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When I Woke Up This Morning (Shrinkflation)

“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” Proverbs 11:1

Good afternoon to all. Please be safe if your are driving in the wet weather. Please be reminded that Sunday School on tomorrow will be via ZOOM only and will end at 9:30 a.m. so that persons who wish to attend worship service will have time to arrive on time. This arrangement is for tomorrow, May 15, 2022.

Please see today’s message below:


I am sure that all of us are aware that inflation is getting worse every day. In addition to inflation picking up these days, try looking at some of the products you are purchasing and notice the change in size. Many products are smaller in size, but cost the same or even more. I have noticed that some candy bars are not as large as they used to be, but cost more or the same. Even some rolls of toilet paper and paper towels do not have the same number of sheets it used to have, but the cost is the same or higher. Some boxes of cereal look the same from the outside, but if you take notice of the number of ounces, probably the weight and the amount is less. Better still, look inside the box and you will see that the amount of cereal is much less than what you are accustomed to receiving. Take time to look inside your potato chip bag and you may find that there is more air in the bag than chips. Breyers Ice Cream used to be my favorite, but producers have taken some ingredient out of it and it does not taste the same. I could go on and on about products where shrinkflation has taken place, but the list goes on and on and on.    


“You shall do not wrong in judgment, in measures of length or weight or quantity.” Leviticus 19”35     


Shrinkflation is the practice of reducing the size of a product while maintaining its sticker price. We know that companies are always strategizing as to how to make a bigger profit, but shrinkflation is just another way to take advantage of the consumers.     


Shrinkflation during a pandemic and inflation is more prevalent than we have ever seen or noticed, but it continues to become a common practice. When purchasing a bag of dog food a few days ago, the bag had been downsized to 48 pounds from 50 pounds, but the cost is the same. Many companies are downsizing and shrinking their products due to higher gas prices, increased cost of ingredients, labor increase, transportation cost, competition, etc., but the consumer is the one who pays the heaviest price.              


What can we do when we observe these sneaky price increases taking place? Hopefully consumers will start to notice and express concerns. Maybe, just maybe companies will listen and put prices back to where they were before the shrinkflation took place.


Shrinkflation has become a common practice among business owners and producers. This is a strategy or tactic that is now placing undo pressure on many consumers who are already struggling due to inflation. 


The sad news to all of this is that companies cannot be charged for fraud or misrepresentation of products. They are smart enough to place the weight, volume or quantity of the products on the packaging labels. In most cases consumers are oblivious of what is going on when we are purchasing items.


Big businesses are defending their use of shrinkflation in response to soaring inflation and it’s in the best interest of consumers, so they say, but we know better. It is very simple to figure out. Smaller portion sizes mean consumers are getting less bang for their buck while corporations continue to reap record profits.


Even with God, we sometimes try to shrink who He is. Some believe God is an ancient God and is not in tune with what is happening today. We try to diminish the power and sovereignty of God.

There is an attempt to downsize God and use Him when we need Him, but we must remember that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and infinitely holy. He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow.


The Pharisees repeatedly in scripture attempted to disprove that Jesus was the Messiah. There was an attempt to belittle and make Him look small.

What we must remember is that God is bigger than inflation and shrinkflation. Let’s not treat God like we treat our packages. We pretty much ignore the shrinkflation and sometimes we do the same with God.


Pay attention and believe that God is bigger than any problem we may have.


Not a sermon, just my thoughts!


Robert Earl Slade

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Genesis Covenant Church is a non-denominational, faith-bearing church. We put our faith and trust in God in all that we do, exalting and worshipping Him. We believe in the Holy Trinity—The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as we create a climate of acceptance and Agape love.

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“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16