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When I Woke Up This Morning! (Smash and Grab)

1 Timothy 4:1 tells us, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”

Just the other day as I was watching the news, I was in a state of shock and disbelief when it was reported that several persons had broken into an eyeglass store in Virginia and stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of eyeglass frames. My first reaction or question was, “What in the world are the culprits going to do with frames?” It was later reported that there is a spike in smash and grab occurrences all over the country. At one location approximately 40 persons, all at one time broke into a store, and again stole thousands of dollars’ worth of items. Another instance there was a group that burglarized a jewelry store and stole approximately $100,000 worth of jewelry. The story goes on about places like Louis Vuitton stores, Best Buy stores, Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s stores, Walgreens, cannabis dispensaries, and the list goes on.

I guess you are wondering why I am sharing information with you about this subject. The reason being is that we can do something to deter persons from at least smashing and grabbing items from our vehicles. It has been reported that there has been a spike in smash and grab incidents where people leave items that can be seen by potential outside intruders. Take time today to remove anything from the interior of your vehicle that did not come from the factory, especially electronic devices. Take time to place them in the trunk of your car. It could save you some heartache and unnecessary stress.  If there is change (money) that is left visible to the necked eye, move it otherwise you may have a smash and grab incident because of some pocket change. It was reported in one area that persons who go to a central location in their community to walk a trail are finding that windows in their vehicles have been smashed and items of little worth or value have been stolen. The number of incidents is on the rise. The frightening thing is that many of these incidents are occurring during broad daylight while employees are in the stores working. Now that is just bold and abrasive.

Here we are in the midst of a pandemic, and we are experiencing some behaviors that are unprecedented and out of control. It causes us to ask the questions, “Have we as a people or society lost our way? Have we watered down our biblical laws and principles and laws of the land to the point that they are no longer of significance?” I believe we have compromised the Word of God to the point that we no longer use it our guide or rules to live by. We are now in a state of mind that “anything goes!” For those of us who are Christians, we must get back to the basics, or we are going to continue seeing and hearing things that are unbelievable. Let us not be naive and ignorant to what God is trying to show us. It is very simple; the adversary has gotten really busy because we have taken our eyes off of God as a nation. Watch and see if things don’t continue to get worse before they get better! We can’t defend one sin and accept another, for God is not pleased.

One law enforcement officer feels that there is a spike in these crimes because smashing and grabbing has been decriminalized. In simple terms, there are certain acts such as smash and grab that are no longer considered a violent crime, including the removal of criminal penalties. It was further stated that police can no longer chase or go after these vandals.

Just imagine how much crime would decrease if we would abide by Romans 13:9: “You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  If we truly loved one another, we would respect and treat others as we would want to be treated. Again, it is beginning to look as if we have lost our way and no one knows how to get us back on the right track.

The Bible tells us in the book of Luke that kingdom will rise against kingdom and there will be fearful events, and great signs from heaven in the Last Days. As I have said before, it is time for a “divine reset”, for the end times are near. Think about it, earthquakes are happening in places you would not expect, wildfires are destroying millions of acres and animals, famine is in the land in many countries, and so much more.  

The pandemic has thrown the world into a new economic and social order. Those who practice religion see all of this as a sign of God’s coming judgement and a wake-up call.       

1 Timothy 4:1 tells us, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”  

May we as a people start living as God has so ordered in his Holy Word!

Not a sermon, just my thoughts!

Robert Earl Slade, Pastor

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Genesis Covenant Church is a non-denominational, faith-bearing church. We put our faith and trust in God in all that we do, exalting and worshipping Him. We believe in the Holy Trinity—The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as we create a climate of acceptance and Agape love.

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“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16